Letter from the Editors, June 7
Hello all, and welcome to June. (We can’t believe how fast May went!) Julian is on business travel and Fran is moving house, so this letter will be short and sweet, letting you spend more time on the stories and the summer weather.
You’ve just read Chelsea Mueller’s “Hibernation Heirloom” - an evocative view of motherhood, and the occasional need to head for the woods - this past Sunday, June 4. On June 11, Victor Manibo’s young protagonist experiences a transformation, and we think you might as well when reading “An Incomplete Catalog of the Birds of New York”. On June 18, Rachelle Cruz’ “Office Auntie” will warmly introduce you to your new workplace and its unusual tasks. And on June 25, Carrie Vaughn’s “Dara Needs A Better Job,” will bring us full circle with Dara Grace’s spectacular shift in employment status.
After the wonderful response to our interview with Kathleen Jennings last month, we’re going to try to make author and artist interviews more of things around here, starting with an interview with Malka Older.
We have several pieces of exciting Sunday Morning Transport News:
This month, Karen Burnham at Locus Magazine reviewed and recommended three Sunday Morning Transport stories — Yoon Ha Lee’s “The Ethnomusicology of the Last Dreadnought,” Marissa Lingen’s “Exiled to Gravity,” and Benjamin C. Kinney’s “The Work Clock.” Congratulations everyone!
Malka Older’s story “The Locked Pod” has been nominated for an Ignite Award - congratulations Malka!
Annalee Newitz’ story “A Hole in the Light” is a finalist for the Sturgeon Award - congratulations Annalee!
As always, thanks for joining us on this journey, and for reading and sharing stories you love. If you’re not already a paid member, please consider subscribing today—you’ll get access to more stories and help support our amazing writers.
All the best,
Fran and Julian